NOK 32 for veggie soup (rests from salad-bar + water), two slices of bread and a smal pack of cheese. Not ultra-bad, but i really dont like seeing yesterdays lunch incorporated in todays.
Hopefully the cleavage is more popular than the last one published on this blog. Less hairy and less manly. Feel free to comment.
Lunch, or lack of it, can influence all of us. One of todays' top stories in is about a norwegian that went berserk on a plane. This bloggers' theory is that he was pissed off due to the boring lunch alternatives he was offered by Apollo, the charter company. Dagbladet also cover the story, but since they lack sources they choose to refer to VG, who refer to TV2. Great stuff.
Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler.
SvarSlett- Albert Einstein
the cleavage is good, but a bit covered-up. The lunch looks horrible
SvarSletthaha, this is great!
SvarSlettI don't like food that's too carefully arranged; it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I'd buy a painting.
SvarSlettyes! cleavage with lunch, great idea. :)