onsdag 28. januar 2009

This happens in Norway as well...

VG unveils the "scandal" discovered in Sweden, where someone working in a school canteen scraped pasta from the floor and put it back into the pot to serve it.

Read more on this blog for updates on food from the canteen...

Really, you think that the people working in YOUR canteen is better? Hundreds of people without any training are running their foodstations all over the nation. I have to quoute Col. Jessup on this one:

- You can't handle the truth!

tirsdag 27. januar 2009

...if the price is right

Now this is agressive!
For my international readers: A wiener with lompe or bread can be bought at any 7eleven or local kiosk/hole in the wall. It will set you back about NOK 15, and you can choose between a variety of toppings.

This is from a subsidised canteen, and they are charging NOK 20. The choice in topping is: raw onion, ketchup or mustard. There is no hot dog buns. Just lompe. Feels like ISS´ "Food and People" approach really does not deliver the goods here.

I must say; i am not very price sensitive when it comes to lunch. At last, i have to provide lunch relevant maerial for my readers. But, to be honest, i did not go for this lunch.

It was quite fun to see the (generally numb to lousy lunches) other customers in the canteen. Even they reacted - most of them very mildly, but some were actually discussing the price with the canteenlady. Feels great to see others reacting on this - the lowest tidal mark of gastronomy.

Kantinetesten, where are you when we need you?

Sauerkraut... For lunch.

Amazing. NOK 32 for sauerkraut, lingonberry jam and meatlumps (not meatballs. Lumps). No potatoes, no nothing. After whining a bit about it i was told by the lady that work there "ok, you may have a piece of bread with that". Fantastic lunchstuff. Tasted as it looks.

After actually buying such a meal, i feel kind of like Kristian Kjelling when losing the handballgame towards the polish national team. "My eyes are full of tears", he said. His, because of losing - mine because of really sour saurkraut.

By the way, there has been discussions about this blog. Will it survive the fierce competition in the blogosphere? My answer is to quoute Noel Gallagher from Oasis from an interview with VG.no today: "Who knows what we´ll do in ten years"...

onsdag 21. januar 2009

Fighting on an airplane, due to lack of lunch?

As promised, cleavage and lunch.

NOK 32 for veggie soup (rests from salad-bar + water), two slices of bread and a smal pack of cheese. Not ultra-bad, but i really dont like seeing yesterdays lunch incorporated in todays.

Hopefully the cleavage is more popular than the last one published on this blog. Less hairy and less manly. Feel free to comment.

Lunch, or lack of it, can influence all of us. One of todays' top stories in VG.no is about a norwegian that went berserk on a plane. This bloggers' theory is that he was pissed off due to the boring lunch alternatives he was offered by Apollo, the charter company. Dagbladet also cover the story, but since they lack sources they choose to refer to VG, who refer to TV2. Great stuff.

mandag 19. januar 2009

Sei you - sei me

Trying something new here. To please my readers, lunch will now be portrayed with some kind of cleavage in the background. Some great research shows that cleavage sells blogs, and hopefully it will work with this blog as well.

And now, to the matter of lunch.

Today was probably a new all time low for ISS. The fish type was sei (coalfish). Probably a 500 kg specimen, 200 years old that they found dead on a shore close to a nuculear plant. At least it tasted like it had been aged on a beach somewhere for quite some time. Perhaps it was somewhat dried as well.

Veggies were frie-cut coins of carrot and the usual gooey broccoli. You could also find some pieces of old potatoe in the mix.

Norwegians: You might be (somewhat, depending on who we compare you with)good handball players, but you sure can't cook.

And now, let's lean back and see what cleavage can do for MY blog!

fredag 16. januar 2009

Lunch instead of pot?

Norwegian ski-jumper (yes it acutally is considered a sport) Lars Bystøl is considered a junkie in norway due to the content of THC in his blood. My belief is that his potsmoking could be replaced with a decent lunch.

Remember Lars: Lunch is (probably) the most important meal of the day. It can, and should not, be replaced by pot. I know you guys live under the "Tynn & Trendy" regime (light guys jump longer), but please do not use drugs instead of lunch. Lunch will also get you high. Lunch-high.

Maybe, in a few years, lunching will be considered illegal due to it's strengthening effect of your body?


Here's two different versions of todays lunch. Seems like someone listened to yesterdays post about how to keep it simple (stupid). Rice + springroll = 20 NOK.

An alternative is the cold salad bar - quite a costly solution, since it's measured in weight. On the lower picture is a salad containing rice and some other stuff. The scale priced this to 35 NOK...

Anyway, the springroll was quite soggy - but i cant really complain about the rice. With some sweet chili sauce and soy - one can eat almost anything, no matter the original taste. ISS could probably learn quite a few things about springrolls from these guys. Please ISS, have a read!

torsdag 15. januar 2009

...and the fashion

And yes, this blog is also about fashion. For now it's only lunch-related fashion (i believe i have to stay true to my brand here). Found it at OhGizmo.com

Fries 101

NOK 18 for supersoggy fries (made of potato this time) and a burger. Brown stuff is probably onion, but i am not sure. I had one of my colleagues taste it - but she could not identify the flavour. As first-aid i used some chilli-sauce to spice things up. Did not help very much.
The interesting thing here is the approach to fries. Basic idea is for them is to be crispy - or at least to be able to maintain its own weight when being positioned horizontally and held in one end. The image above shows the result of "Dagens Lunsj's patented crispynesstest". Not approved.
There is probably a good formula to explain this - but i do not believe ISS have understood this, or even had "Fries 101" as a mandatory training session for their employees.
When you are a company serving food, and your equipment does not support the making of fries - you should not make them. Go for something easier. Like rice. Or you can order catering and serve that.
Or, when you don't even serve your drinking water cold - perhaps you should stay away from the restaurant business?

Meatballs and nachos...

Another one from the great Nachoweek 2008. Weird combo with meatballs, cous-cous, and of course, nachos. I believe this was about 30 NOK. Don't really remember the taste of this one - but nachos is always great!

I wonder what happened to ISS' supply of nachos. Did they run out? Was it too popular? Too expensive, or just way too advanced?

Anyway ISS, bring Nachoweek back in 2009! Nachos can supress the taste of a lot of bad lunches.

onsdag 14. januar 2009

Nachoweek 2008 - revisited

Here's one from the classical period. The period when ISS got their hands on quite a load of nachos. We had nachos accompanying every meal for about a week. Then they ran out.

Here's one of the great dishes from Nachoweek 2008.
Overboiled pasta, tomato and "meat" sauce, luke warm water and nachos.

The beautiful thing with nachos is that it is hard for ISS to ruin them completely. As long as you keep them away from water - they could stay eatable (i say eatable, not fresh) for quite some days. The standardized taste, shape and colour of the nachos can elevate most meals.

Nachoweek - we miss you

French frie cut veggies and salmon roll...

30 NOK worth of "salmon roll filled with broccoli goo" served with ISS' famous "french-frie cut root vegetables" and double boiled potatoes. Also included in the price is boiled broccoli.

Texture: Texture of veggies is close to mash. Let's put it this way: If you were blind, you wouldn't notice when your fork goes into the carrots. Soft.

Please note the classy picture - tried to make it look snacksy.
If you click on the image you can see some interesting unidentified materia underneath the salmon roll

tirsdag 13. januar 2009

Another awful one. Swedish turnip, "omelette" containing last weeks' content from the salad-buffet, two slices of kneipbrød and some old smoked salmon. I sure know how to make a great composion. Good thing is that, if it's not toxic in itself, it's quite healthy. Note: IF not toxic...

First post... Lunch and fashion?

Yep, lunch and fashion.

Lunch: Overboiled, then chilled wiener-derivate-kindof hotdog with powder-based mashed potatoes. Served with no-brand ketchup. Not the best - but far from the worst. Price 28 NOK.

Fashion: May come back later for that one... - for now, visit Sartorialpiste for inspiration