As "The Sceptic" James Randi attacks Snåsamannen and other "paranormal" figures in the world history, this blog believes he could do better by investigating "the awful truth" about your lunch.
Everyday we are fooled to believe that the BS they serve us in the canteen is actually worth paying for. Please James, come follow us instead! We're lunch sceptics - and we need your help.
Quit bugging Uri Geller and Snåsamannen, and move on to more important targets - such as Ari Behn or at least focus on the Kantinelunsj!
Look at the aweful picture above. This is supposed to be an omelette! Damn if they are right. Soon i will have to start living by the "Tynn & Trendy" regime to stay away from this no-good threat to mankind.
At least, perhaps we could call in Obama to have a look at the lunching state of the nation...
The omelette kind of looks like kålrabi. I love ISS
SvarSlettYup, and i forgot. The "omelette" did cost 16 NOK. Probably consists of 0.75 eggs + some ham from last weeks salad bar
SvarSlettSure it wasn't 16,50? The canteen lady sure loves her 50-ørings...
SvarSlettTotally i payed 29.50, so yes, you are quite right. Se sure does love those, the smallest amongst coins...