onsdag 18. mars 2009
tirsdag 17. mars 2009
Rice and whatever we've got

At least there is no worry to get dangerously obese by consuming the ISS food. It is not possible to eat that much of it - even though the nutrition part is aweful.
The guests are not the problem here, the restaurant is... I wish we at least had beer.
onsdag 11. mars 2009
Beware: Easter has been moved…by ISS

The ISS website is like a bible to DagensLunsj and the DagensLunsj’ advertisers. This is where we go for inspiration and entertainment, and of course for all major news updates. It is basically our primary trusted news source. Our latest visit to ISS.no gave us a major heads up on an upcoming holiday, and we think it is important to share this with our readers.
When describing the canteen menu for March, ISS serves us with this controversial statement: March is the Easter month, and we should eat eggs. Lots and lots of eggs.
March?? Easter?? Our calendar clearly states that this years’ Palm Sunday is on the 5th of April. What are we supposed to think? Well – as usual, we believe in our bible. We believe in ISS.
So, by the power vested in ISS canteens - Easter has now officially been moved.
Happy Easter - we're in a hurry!
Oops, i did it again
lørdag 7. mars 2009
Norwegian Rockstar does not believe in lunchblogs!
Singer and guitarist Øystein Greni from Norwegian rockband BigBang says in a web-meeting with the readers of VG, on the upcoming trend of lunchblogging, that he "...dont think that food is something to write about", and that "...this is something people should talk about".
It is clear that Mr. Greni at least have taken a stand on this issue - and we congratulate him with that. The worst thing to do is not to care at all...
In the end he says that "it is good to warn people of bad places", and thats sort of what this blog does, so...
We´re looking forward to your studio album, Øystein! But we strongly believe emotions and feelings is nothing to sing about - you are supposed to blog it.
In the meantime we are reading up on the subject of handling critizism while waiting for summer and looking forward to learn what other Norwegian celebrities think of lunchblogging...
fredag 6. mars 2009
Lonely Burger

An ISS classic. The lonely burger is back again. Heavily overpriced at 16 NOK. Bread not included... We need some serious investigating journalism here. Today Dagbladet can reveal the news of that soldiers get sick by using their weapons. When is someone going to look into what lunch does to us?
I'd rather have this. Or this.
By the way, check out the all-new spotify playlist. All lunch-related songs! Click on the ad to the right.
onsdag 4. mars 2009
Same S*** - new price
tirsdag 3. mars 2009
Bad Bun
Here's what ISS promises us for March:
"Easter is the time to gorge in eggs. Boiled eggs, fried eggs, poached eggs, scrambled eggs, omelettes, gratins, pancakes and wafles. Eggs in salads, soups and cakes."
Maybe this is the time to go to sweden to get some cheap groceries, ISS? SEK vs NOK is weak and the road to Sweden is short... If you use a good car...